The phone is powered by the new dual-core MSM8660 Snapdragon 1.2 GHz processor, backed by 1GB of RAM and 4GB of internal strorage. Along with the 3D glasses-free capable display, the HTC EVO 3D is packed and with dual rear-facing 5 megapixel auto focus cameras with dual-LED flash, which can capture conventional and 3D images and 3D 720p videos, plus it has and a front 1.3 MP camera for video chat. The handset is armed with plenty of sensors, including Gyro, G-Sensor, digital compass, proximity and ambient light sensor, also has GPS, 802.11 b/g/n WiFi, Bluetooth 3.0, FM radio, microSD slot, HDMI output and is backed by 1730 mAh battery.
The HTV EVO 3D price will be released closer to launch.
Source: HTC
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